Giving economic and cultural power to women allows them to find work. One of the major factors holding them back in the past was childcare. Blossom understood this and developed a crèche to allow the women access to find work.
Feedback gained by Blossom reveals this is a vital tool for the mother labourers. The crèche is in operation in Pandian Nagar, a suburb of Virudhunagar. There are currently 26 children aged between 2 and 4 years old. The site is operated by a trained teacher and an assistant. All the children are fed a free nutritious lunch and monthly medical check-ups.
Always committed to the on-going development of communities, parent-teacher counsels provide much-needed feedback and vital information. The crèche continues to be supported by the Tamil Nadu Social Welfare Board in Chennai.
Read about our past social empowerment projects