Television is a powerful educational tool and Blossom was able to use this means of communication to conduct live telecast TV programmes to raise awareness about TB.
Every year, about eight live telecast programmes were conducted between March 2009 and May 2015 and more than 95,300 people were reached each year and benefited from the TV programme. Ms. Clare Shaw, Programme officer, TTB, Dr. Saroja, Kunnur PHC, and Mrs. J.Reeta Kodeeswaran, Project Coordinator moderated the program.
In 2012 Blossom conducted eleven live television programme in all blocks. Through television Blossom was able to reach people from a variety of social, cultural and economic demographics to increase TB awareness. Sixty members of the community participated in the programme, during which they received new information regarding TB and clarified any doubts with their local doctor. The cable television show had a reach of 35,000 community members. The TV programme benefitted the community by increasing TB awareness, introduced and helped build a rapport between the participants and the local doctor, and it provided a sense of familiarity for viewers in the community with the local doctor. In addition, many community members were introduced to the VHN and given the opportunity to serve as DOTS monitors, increasing the number of DOTS monitors in the area.
Project duration: 2009-2015